Family Guy’s tenth season debuted on the Fox network on September 25, 2011. The series follows the Griffin family, a dysfunctional family consisting of father Peter, mother Lois, daughter Meg, son Chris, baby Stewie and the family dog Brian, who reside in their hometown of Quahog. The executive producers for the tenth production season are Seth MacFarlane, Chris Sheridan, Danny Smith, Mark Hentemann, Steve Callaghan, Alec Sulkin, and Wellesley Wild. The showrunners are Hentemann and Callaghan.
During this season, Peter becomes friends with Ryan Reynolds, the Griffins win the lottery, Meg falls in love with an Amish boy as Peter goes to war with his family, Stewie starts driving Brian’s car and accidentally crashes it, Meg dates Quagmire on her 18th birthday, Chris dates a girl who looks like Lois, Quagmire asks Peter and Joe to help him kill his sister’s violently abusive boyfriend, Peter befriends a dolphin, Kevin Swanson surprisingly returns to Quahog on Thanksgiving, Lois kidnaps Stewie’s sick friend, Brian gets a blind girlfriend who hates dogs, James Woods makes a shocking return after being killed last season after Peter becomes an agent to Tom Tucker, and Brian and Stewie travel back in time to the premiere Family Guy episode.