The first season of the American television drama series Falling Skies commenced airing on June 19, 2011 and concluded, on August 7, 2011. It consisted of ten episodes, each running approximately 40 minutes in length. TNT broadcast the first season on Sundays at 10:00 pm in the United States.
The first season picks up six months after the invasion and follows a group of survivors who band together to fight back. The group, known as the Second Massachusetts, is led by the retired Captain Weaver and Boston University history professor Tom Mason who, while in search of his son Ben, must put his extensive knowledge of military history into practice as one of the leaders of the resistance movement.
The first season was met with positive reviews and the two-hour premiere was watched by 5.9 million viewers, making it cable television’s biggest series launch of the year, with more than 2.6 million adults 18–49 and 3.2 million adults 25–54. The first season finale received 5.6 million viewers, the highest rated episode since the series premiere; with 2.5 million viewers in the 18–49 demographic.